🇺🇦 Україна 🇬🇧 United Kingdom 🇦🇫 افغانستان 🇩🇿 الجزائر 🇦🇴 Angola 🇦🇷 Argentina 🇦🇺 Australia 🇦🇹 Austria 🇦🇿 Azərbaycan 🇧🇩 বাংলাদেশ 🇧🇾 Белару́сь 🇧🇪 Belgien 🇧🇯 Bénin 🇧🇷 Brasil 🇧🇬 България 🇧🇫 Burkina Faso 🇧🇮 Burundi 🇰🇭 Kâmpŭchéa 🇨🇲 Cameroon 🇨🇦 Canada 🇹🇩 تشاد‎ 🇨🇱 Chile 🇨🇴 Colombia 🇨🇩 RD Congo 🇨🇬 République du Congo 🇨🇷 Costa Rica 🇨🇺 Cuba 🇨🇿 Česko 🇨🇮 Côte d'Ivoire 🇩🇰 Danmark 🇩🇴 República Dominicana 🇪🇨 Ecuador 🇪🇬 مصر 🇸🇻 El Salvador 🇪🇷 إرتريا‎ 🇪🇹 ኢትዮጵያ 🇫🇮 Suomi 🇫🇷 France 🇩🇪 Deutschland 🇬🇭 Ghana 🇬🇷 Ελλάδα 🇬🇹 Guatemala 🇬🇳 Guinée 🇭🇹 Haïti 🇭🇳 Honduras 🇭🇺 Magyarország 🇮🇳 India 🇮🇩 Indonesia 🇮🇶 العراق 🇮🇪 Ireland 🇮🇱 ישראל 🇮🇹 Italia 🇯🇵 日本 🇯🇴 الأردن 🇰🇿 Қазақстан 🇰🇪 Kenya 🇰🇷 한국 🇰🇬 Кыргызстан 🇱🇧 لبنان 🇱🇾 ‏ليبيا 🇲🇬 Madagascar 🇲🇼 Malawi 🇲🇾 Malaysia 🇲🇱 Mali 🇲🇽 México 🇲🇦 المغرب 🇲🇿 Moçambique 🇲🇲 မြန်မာ 🇳🇵 नेपाल 🇳🇱 Nederland 🇳🇿 New Zealand 🇳🇮 Nicaragua 🇳🇪 Niger 🇳🇬 Nigeria 🇳🇴 Noreg 🇴🇲 عمان 🇵🇰 Pakistan 🇵🇬 Papua New Guinea 🇵🇾 Paraguái 🇵🇪 Piruw 🇵🇭 Philippines 🇵🇱 Polska 🇵🇹 Portugal 🇷🇴 România 🇷🇼 Rwanda 🇸🇦 العربية السعودية 🇸🇳 Sénégal 🇷🇸 Србија 🇸🇱 Sierra Leone 🇸🇬 Singapore 🇸🇰 Slovensko 🇸🇴 الصومال‎‎ 🇿🇦 South Africa 🇸🇸 South Sudan 🇪🇸 España 🇱🇰 ශ්‍රී ලංකාව 🇸🇩 السودان 🇸🇪 Sverige 🇨🇭 Suisse 🇸🇾 سوريا 🇹🇯 Таджикистан 🇹🇿 Tanzania 🇹🇭 ประเทศไทย 🇹🇬 Togo 🇹🇷 Türkiye 🇹🇲 Туркмения 🇺🇬 Uganda 🇦🇪 دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة 🇺🇸 United States 🇺🇿 Узбекистан 🇻🇪 Venezuela 🇻🇳 Việt Nam 🇾🇪 اليَمَن 🇿🇲 Zambia 🇿🇼 Zimbabwe

Antisemitic incidents across Europe, Canada hit record levels 5 months after Hamas massacre of Israelis

After Hamas terrorists slaughtered 1,200 people in Israel, Hamas’ ideology and lethal antisemitism have been embraced by movements across the Europe and beyond.
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